Sport, cohesion and business! It’s time to invest in your partners.
Sport, cohesion and business! It’s time to invest in your partners.
Published on 17/01
written by ARIELLE GRENU
January is mid-season, so it’s time to take stock. Many questions can arise at this time, such as: has the club achieved its objectives at the start of the season?
Bringing together its partners to convey to them the club’s ambitions is the first date of the year which allows a club to demonstrate its commitments to its partners.
The objective is to establish transparent communication by taking stock of the financial results, sporting results and above all to communicate on the adjustments put in place in order to achieve the set objectives.
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Creating a mid-term event allows you to maintain the commitment of your partners, as Quentin Lozzia, responsible for communications at Sluc Nancy Basket, tells us: “our partners enjoy coming to our greetings evening because it brings together more than 250 people and , allows only 2 days after the New Year to share a friendly moment between partners around a catered buffet. Especially since it is an opportunity for new prospects to discover our club. » Quentin Lozzia told us that the evening represented a certain cost “it’s not cheap but not excessive either” he believes, but beyond that, it allows us to “create an annual meeting for bringing together partners who contribute to the development of the club”
“That’s it, the objective for the club is to identify: to retain its partners and show them interest through a friendly and nice moment.”
In the end they are simple because it allows partners to come together around a common interest which is sport to exchange with each other and do business.
Nothing could be simpler because this evening allows partners to come together around a common interest: sport. In addition, it allows you to exchange ideas while doing business, in fact the most influential people in the city such as the mayor or notaries were present.
Anthony Hanus, head of the event agency Limitless Event and partner of Sluc Nancy Basket for 3 years, confirms this to us: “This type of event allows us to establish cohesion between the club’s partners because during the matches we do not We didn’t have the opportunity to talk to each other because we didn’t know each other.
This is a key moment for the life of the club because it ensures its sustainability and proper functioning.” We know that partners are essential for a sports club, but bringing them together around a common objective such as sport inevitably creates links between the different sectors of partner companies;